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DIY: Annual Scrapbooking Album, Like a Pensieve (Except Not At All Like a Pensieve)

Posted in DIY
on October 27, 2015


Hold on to your hats, everyone, I’m about to talk about scrapbooking!

Ehh, who am I kidding, scrapbooking is not a terribly exciting topic. I mean, have you ever watched someone scrapbook? Of course you haven’t, because that’d be super boring. But let me tell you, for the scrapbooker, it is thrilling. No, that is not an exaggeration. I get really excited about choosing the perfect photos, determining how to place them on the page, deciding where to put my own commentary, and photo corners! Wonderful, wonderful photo corners…

Photo cornerssss!

Scrapbooking is great because it allows you to curate your memories for future perusing, kind of like a pensieve, but without the weird birdbath-looking thing. Or, you know, the magical bits.

When I was a wee middle school-aged lass, I kept all manner of ephermera and photos stuffed into a technicolor Lisa Frank dolphin binder, each page riddled with bubbly teenage handwriting and many, many exclamation points. When you’re 14 years old, everything is incredibly exciting!!!!!!!

Now that I’m twice that age, I only use like, three exclamation points. I reserve additional exclamation points for when I eventually meet Chris Cornell (!!!!), or when I finally win at a round of Connect Four (!!!!!). (Seriously though, I have never won a single game of Connect Four. I think I’m too easily tricked.)

But why bother printing pictures when you can just put them online and tag every single person involved? Continue reading
